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B之前COVID, 企业流媒体正在缓慢增长, 作为高管, 市场营销人员, and event planners realized that not everyone could make every event, 还有更多的观众想要参与其中, but may not be able to devote the time or dollars to attend an in-person event. 有些人根本不想旅行.

When COVID hit in 2020, in-person events, globally, were shut down. 几个月后, event organizers and companies that had done quarterly and annual meetings and public pro­duct announcements before the pandemic realized those events still had to happen. The worldwide public still wanted or needed to know what was going on, and the pendulum that was slowly swinging in the direction of streaming was slammed full throttle. All of these events had to be streamed and include remote presenters, 不同的观众, 使用公共, 或内部cdn. 欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载忙得不可开交, 流媒体工具制造商, 云服务提供商.

Then, come early 2022, the pendulum swung back in the complete other direction. 活动制作人、公司人力欧洲杯在哪投注经理、教会牧师等., wanted to “foster in-person connections” and actively shunned streaming in favor of “encouraging” people to meet face-to-face. It was important to rebuild the personal connections that were lost during COVID, they said. 许多人仍然不想登机, 火车, 在公共汽车上和其他数百人坐在一起整整一天. But even those clients who were slowly expanding the streaming part of their meetings before CO­VID were no longer calling us.

部分原因是像Zoom这样的在线会议工具, 微软团队, 而Webex在COVID期间变得至关重要. The demand for new features went through the roof, and the solution providers responded. What had been clunky tools with limited features and bad audio became much more capable. 现在他们可以突出/固定多个扬声器, 画中画和叠加, 为了保护隐私,把杂乱的房间模糊掉, 提供高品质声音, 并提供全高清视频.

These meeting apps became capable streaming event production tools. They added event features like registration, schedules, meeting areas, chatting, and more. 在时间, they were providing a more involved and complex streaming solution than the outside companies were providing b之前COVID.

接下来会发生什么呢? Will the IT and marketing people tasked with planning company meetings continue to run the virtual shows? Will churches and organizations continue to provide hybrid services? Will big events continue to bring in outside companies to do their streaming, or will they be content with the new advanced capabilities the business chat apps offer?

I, 为一个, see the rapid growth of software solutions during COVID as providing “good enough” services to organizations that were only reluctantly bringing in outside services because they lacked in-house expertise. 现在, a decent video camera and microphone plugged into a laptop deliver good results, COVID的要求为其发挥作用提供了时间.

But I also see a larger part of the market that went the chat-app route out of necessity recognizing that live-streaming production is hard. It’s complex and confusing, and many times, it just doesn’t work the way you’d expect it to. 混合好的现场音频对许多人来说是一个令人困惑的过程, 提供良好的照明也是如此, 调整压缩比特率, 管理网络, 并与IT进行接口,以获得带宽和QoS, 冗余, 和备份. 这一切都来自于经验. Many people who were forced to provide these services in-house during COVID will be happy to return the job to the experts.

The pendulum has swung back away from streaming for a brief period, 但COVID让数百万人看到了权力, 能力, 以及流媒体的便利性——对提供者和与会者来说. It also helped a lot of people realize that it’s not as easy as it looks. I see the end result moving that pendulum toward more streaming—and more kinds of streaming—in the near future.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

With Social Video Sizing, Serve Your Viewers What They’re Hungry For

The customer wanting to watch your stream on Insta does not want a horizontal video shoehorned into a vertical frame. The customer 看 the horizontal version doesn't want the vertical slice with the same thing blurred out behind it to fill the frame. 这些顾客都渴望那种特殊的体验. 你的工作就是给你的顾客他们渴望的东西.


今年早些时候,我有机会尝试学习冲浪. I'm very glad that I took the lessons because I soon found out how hard surfing really is. 在, 失败, 受伤, 看, 和学习, I saw some parallels between my lessons on the water and the streaming business—which isn't quite as easy as it looks either.


There's a lot more imperfect gear on the market than ever before—gear we can't count on from gig to gig. 不能提供可靠视频的设备. 功能可以工作,然后不工作. 连接后又断开的设备. 我们已经失去了核心可靠性. 防弹需要成为一种功能.

FAST生产? 慢慢来

FAST节目需要广告空间. 除非你有意在节目中加入这个空间, 它只是随机地分割你的内容, ruining the mood of narrative content and frustrating viewers just as the show was getting to the "good part.“现在在Roku设备上观看YouTube内容是这样的. The random "pop" to commercials in the middle of a scene is very annoying.


The production and communication tools we use are ever-more tied to the cloud, and to take advantage of it is to open a door of possibility and additional 能力. 你今天想去哪里?


While you were busy streaming, what you think of as "streaming" evolved in­to many different things. Today, what you do when "streaming" is but one small piece of the streaming world.

YoloBox Mini

在这篇综述中, I am going to be taking a look at YoloLiv's latest little streaming box, YoloBox Mini


So, 无论是季度会议, 年度营销展, 或者像消费电子展或国际车展这样的行业盛会, 我们仍然需要面对面的活动. But how these events recognize and incorporate remote pre­senters and remote audiences will have to change from what was done pre-COVID. 事件的未来是混合的, 尽管这些混合事件将采取不同的形式, 取决于事件的大小, 预算, 以及场外元素的性质和复杂性. 我称之为“三层混合”," which represent three different ways to bring local and remote presenters and attendees together.

与远程生产Going Pro

你在这里. 客人们都到了. 观众在其他任何地方. 这是一篇充满技巧的文章, 技巧, and links for making it all come together in your latest remote production.