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企业视频平台在2013年略有复苏, thanks in no small part to the benefits that streaming video provide for corporate communications to employees and key partners.

Elsewhere in the 原始资料, you’ll read about the current state of enterprise video. But when it comes to considering the implementation of an enterprise video platform, 2014年意味着什么??

We see three key areas to consider when purchasing products or services: bring-your-own-device (BYOD), 字幕, 云解决方案.


Smartphone video emerged quickly in the consumer world but much more slowly in the enterprise. 在某些方面, 这是由于黑莓与企业的长尾相关性, 是什么阻止了许多公司考虑完整的移动视频实现.

In 2014, even the average enterprise communications department faces a broad challenge: maintaining control of video content intended only for employees while allowing that content on key partner and employee devices. These two factors alone require careful consideration of mobile service provider (MSP) partners or cloud solutions, 后面我们会讲到.

个人设备带来的额外挑战, 从平板电脑到员工智能手机, 意味着自带设备也是一个同样重要的考虑因素. 2013年是BYOD盛行的一年, 2014 will mark the first time many enterprise solutions address BYOD live video content to mobile devices as part of the overall video ecosystem.

There are two key areas to consider when it comes to video shared via BYOD or company-owned mobile devices: access and accessibility.

Access refers to the ability to view content when on an extended network beyond the enterprise campus. 在有限的情况下,可以使用虚拟专用网(VPN). 员工登录网络,然后请求视频流. 这样做的缺点是, 然而, is the high cost of VPN throughput compared to general internet content consumption. 另一方面, VPN access often has sophisticated encryption or multilevel firewalls to traverse, 使非员工不太可能通过VPN获得扩展访问.

Accessibility refers to the ability for viewers to consume content in extreme environments. 在某些情况下, this may refer to audio-impaired viewing in high-noise work environments or even for those who face hearing loss. 为了满足这些需求,字幕和转录开始发挥作用.

有关BYOD的更多信息,请参阅我写的一篇文章 移动设备直播:BYOD挑战.” 


With the increased requirements for 508-compliant video 字幕 affecting not just broadcast content but almost any on-demand content on the web, 企业需要特别关注这个话题.

在2013年流媒体西部展的一次会议上, 一位小组成员说,他的公司, 戴尔, has been transcribing everything it creates for internal use for the last 18 months.

“我们主要创建企业对企业用户使用的营销内容,比尔·麦卡蒂说, 戴尔公司多媒体组的经理. “We transcribe everything now and we build in budget for translation and close-字幕.”

而转录是字幕的终极方法, 另一个需要考虑的问题是某种形式的自动字幕. 那, 然而, 不仅需要好的麦克风和说话清晰的演讲者, 还有培训. Some accents, according to experts in speech-to-text conversion, work better than others. 不过,所有的系统都需要用特定的声音进行训练,以获得最佳效果.

最后, 用于屏幕内容, there’s the matter of being able to edit your live video stream before putting it up for on-demand viewing. In that regard, 戴尔’s McCarty said there’s a valuable consideration for on-screen text content. “我们把屏幕上的文字控制在最低限度,麦卡蒂说。, ,这样就可以通过翻译和字幕实现本地化.”


When we discussed access under the BYOD section, we touched on the limitation of VPN. A growing solution for non-VPN access to live streams and on-demand content is use of cloud services.

Rather than using an MSP to provide both cellular voice and data as well as external video delivery services, 许多企业选择单独使用, cloud-based streaming solution that provides varying levels of content management, 实时格式转码, 以及点播内容存储.

企业在云交付中面临的挑战的一个很好的横截面, 特别是涉及到安全问题, 在 来自企业平台面板的视频 在2013年的流媒体西部.

One approach companies take is to create a custom mobile application that is distributed to employees, but we recommend against the “security through obscurity” approach that some vendors may offer. A better approach is to use a combination of encryption and digital rights management, as both can be used to geoblock as well as whitelist particular IP addresses deemed approved for media consumption.

此外,2013年流媒体西部的另一个视频直接关注 云在企业中的使用 当涉及到云中的内容管理和转码时. For live events, the ability to transcode a single stream into multiple formats (e.g., 破折号, HDS, HLS, or Smooth Streaming) as well as multiple bitrates is a key feature your cloud service provider should offer.

当涉及到点播内容, a cloud provider should also offer at least a basic level of media asset management (MAM) so that mezzanine files can be stored in the cloud, with more popular segmentation formats either stored alongside the mezzanine file or created on-the-fly at the time of request.

A final consideration for cloud-based services is the ability to integrate desktop-to-cloud workflows, including those that may contain hybrid encoding or transcoding solutions that can be offloaded to local or remote (intranet or cloud) transcoding engines to accomplish the heavy lifting.


我们只触及了这三个领域的表面——BYOD, 字幕, 还有云——但企业视频平台市场提供了许多选择. 事实上, it’s safe to say enterprise customers will find a number of vendors offering solutions that can be customized for almost any market vertical.

当涉及到交钥匙解决方案时, several of those companies are represented in advertisements and sponsorships throughout the pages of this year’s 原始资料. 随着预算调整以适应经济反弹, 随着流媒体在组织中扮演越来越重要的角色, 2014 should prove to be a growth year for both vendors and corporate streaming practitioners.

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